Samantha's Story: A Journey to Wellness
Samantha has not always been well. This short movie is a compilation of pictures and videos that resulted from years of devoting her to the Lord, praying without ceasing, blessing and nurturing her. I provided her with excellent nutrition, a Christian homeschooling education and my own forms of therapy to include golf, singing and dancing. It too hard work, patience and perserverance from both of us. Only by the grace of God have Samantha and I been able to accomplish these fruits. We are not done. We are just getting started.
All glory, honor and praise to Him!
This is Samantha's Story: A Journey to Wellness
This is the story of how I discovered, applied and honed my Mama Bear skills to advocate for my daughter when she suddenly became chronically ill at 22 months of age. I will share our experiences through blogs, images and videos. I share this to demonstrate that wellness can be acquired. It takes prayer, courage, hard work, and so much more. I pray that our journey will inspire you to seek wellness. I pray that our journey will give inspiration, impart courage and be a blessing.

Nutrition in the form of food, herbs, and supplementation had a powerful effect on my daughter Samantha's health and wellness. She went from having repeated severe, respiratory conditions, asthma, systemic overgrowth of candida (yeast or fungal infection), food allergies with numerous life threatening anaphylactic reactions to significantly improved health. She is no longer experiencing the chronic, severe asthma attacks and respiratory conditions that regularly threatened her life. Nutrition played a key role in this transformation.
My goal is to bring awareness to the incredible potential food has to bring miraculous changes to virtually anyone's health, wellness, behavior, and learning ability. I am not a doctor, dietician, or nutritionist. I am a mother who witnessed the dramatic effect that nutrition had on my child's life. I want to share our experience.
Each person is a unique individual with their own specific nutritional needs that should determined solely for themselves through their own research and/or with consultation of experts. Studies do show that avoiding highly processed foods and providing a diet that consists mainly of organic whole foods, free of pesticides, like Glyphosate, GMO's and artificial food additives (synthetic ingredients) is the best way to begin achieving and maintaining good health for anyone.
This is a story of a Journey to Wellness. This is not,
nor should it be considered medical or nutritional advice.
Samantha's Journey From Severe Health Issues to Remarkable Wellness
Why Nutrition Matters

Health Issues:
Health Outcomes:
Food Allergies: Wheat, Gluten, Dairy, Corn, Soy & Egg
Systemic Candida-Yeast Infections
Chronic Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, & Otitis (Ear Infection)
Severe Chemical Sensitivities
No Longer Having Severe Anaphylactic Reactions to Food or Chemicals*
Healthy Balance of Gut Flora*
Chronic Asthma, Pneumonia, Bronchitis & Ear Infections: Not Occuring*
*Due to continued strict adherence of changes in nutrition and lifestyle that eliminated her triggers and adjusted her imbalances.