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My Mama Bear Philosophy on Education:  As a parent, you are the gatekeeper to everything your child is able to learn.  Guard the gate carefully.  Parents should never stop guarding or tending to the mind of their child.  Learing opportunities are everywhere.  Take advantage of every opportunity  to form your child's character and intellect.  Always be searching for creative ways to enrich and cultivate their mind.  Teach them to be lifelong learners.  Set a standard for yourself that they can emulate.  

All children are created in God's image and likeness.  He has given each of them a precious mind.  It should not be wasted.


Our understanding of the brain is always changing.  The information that science has learned on the human brain and mind in recent years is fascinating and leads us to believe that the mind is unfathomable.  It is capable of regenerating by a process called neuroplasticity in which it is able to form new neural pathways where old ones have died.  


That to me, means that we should never give up on attempting to grow and expand the mind of any child or person.  You never know what the mind is capable of.  We have seen miracles demonstrated time and again.  


Never underestimate the mind or abilites of your child or any person, especially if they have a Developmental Disability.   Do not make assumptions regarding their ability to learn based on a diagnosis.  Always remain optimistic and encourage learning of the highest quality of content.    


For those that struggle to learn at the pace of other students or to the same level of understanding it is not less, but more important that what they learn be of the highest quality.  

The doctrine taught in our public education systems has always been compromised.  Its content is lack in knowledge and rife with indoctrination; information carefully selected to steer the child in the direction the STATE would want them to go.

Education according to
Websters Dictionary of 1828

Education, The bringing up, as of a child, instruction, formation of manners.  Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intented to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties. 

St. Thomas Aquinas' Principle:
The Slightest Knowledge of the Greatest Things is Greater Than the Greatest Knowledge of the Slightest Things.

  • People with Developmental Disabilities are human beings and they deserve to be valued as such and to be given an education commensurate of that fact.

  • They are worthy of an education of the highest quality yet modified in proportion to their ability and capacity.  

  • It should be creatively adapted to suit their style and pace of learning.   

A Classical Christian Education can be Imparted to ANY Child
if Moderated

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