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The Conservative Mama Bear
is here to

Personally selected videos and articles that I feel are newsworthy to a
minded Mama Bear. 

Shocking increase in U.S. child mortality: What is killing our kids?

Shocking Statin Study:  Almost 50% who take them, may not need them.

Doctors from the American College of Pediatricians are finally standing up to protect children from dangerous practices like transgender surgeries that mutilate.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Watch how people like George Soros and Bill Gates are infiltrating the Church to spread their personal propaganda

Churches under fire: Legal battles over helping the homeless intensify nationwide

How Public Schools Crush Creativity and Critical Thinking

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

iIt sometimes feels impossible to stay on top of all of the information that is coming at us and to discern what is good and truthful verses what is misleading and insidious.  I strive diligently to be well informed.  


I do my best to research as much as possible myself or to rely on sources that I have followed for a considerable length of time and found to be trustworthy.  I search out sources that prove themselves to have Christian world views or at the very least hold traditional conservative values.   Some of these sources are not necessarily either of those but do however contain nutritional, medical, political or other information that I feel is important to know in order for me to protect and preserve my life and liberties.   


This is intended to be a landing page for you to access resources and information that I have deemed worthy of my attention.  It is then up to you to make your own informed decisions.  It is not my purpose to tell you what to do or how think but rather keep you informed bydisseminating information.


I work very hard to keep my site free of name calling or language that purposely promotes unecessary divisivness.  Truth will always cause division when told but it can be done constructively with good intent rather than simply to get attention.  

I carefully choose my words, using the most accurate, to speak the truth.  I cannot help the choice of verbiage used on newsource's thumbnails.  My selections are based on the content that is within the video that I deem important and newsworthy, not click bait.  My goal is to always bring news and information that speaks truth based on God's Word, and brings attention to Christian, conservative values and the attacks on those values and our God given freedoms.  

However, I do want you to use your own critical thinking  skills to make your own judgements on all posted content.  

It's Coming Soon.
Check Back Here for 
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